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Monday, 17 February 2014

Arthritis and how the right diet can help you

Approximately 10 million people in the UK and 50 million in the United States suffer from arthritis

Arthritis is a painful condition that causes swelling of the joints, such as fingers, knees, wrists and ankles. Most people tend to associate the age requirement, but arthritis does not discriminate and can affect anyone of any age, even children.

Arthritis and Food

While it has always been anecdotal evidence suggests that certain foods can trigger arthritis, there have been studies that now look arthritis and diet and suggests that for some people, diet can play a role in the symptoms of arthritis.

Foods to Avoid

People with arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, say they notice a link between their food and they often have extensive experience. The most common foods associated with these thrusts are:

- Acid fruits. Citrus such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits.

- Dairy.

- Nightshade vegetables such as potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant.

Nightshade vegetables are rich in alkaloids that has been known to affect the nervous joint and muscle function in humans and animals. People who are sensitive to these alkaloids may experience a recurrence of their arthritis symptoms by eating these foods.

Calcium can also be problematic, because large amounts can not be broken down properly and may accumulate around the painful joints have all citrus is thought to worsen painful symptoms.

Dietary therapy arthritis

Omega-3 is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and so eat a diet rich in omega-3 may be beneficial for people with arthritis. Foods rich in omega-3 include:

- Fatty fish. Sardines, mackerel and salmon.

- Nuts and seeds. Flaxseed and flaxseed are good sources.

- Bio-living products. Some margarines and yogurts were enriched in omega-3.

- Cereals. Not only whole grains added omega-3 but also include nuts and seeds.

Omega-6 fatty acids may also help reduce inflammation and these fatty acids can be found in their natural form in sunflower oil and corn that can be used for frying and baking.

Taking supplements

Change their diet is not always possible for some people, so for convenience, you can take omega-3 supplements that also contain vitamin E, an essential antioxidant for free radicals that can be produced by Omega-3 fatty acids. Most cereals are also fortified with vitamin E in its natural state, is produced by foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado and spinach.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating a healthy balanced diet are all factors that can help improve the symptoms of arthritis.

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