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Sunday, 17 March 2013

Diet Makeover for Kids

Diet Makeover for Kids

MealInstead of this…Give them this…
BreakfastLarge bowl of sugary cereal with semi-skimmed milk and a glass of sweetened fruit drinkMedium bowl of wholegrain cereal with semi-skimmed milk, a banana and a glass of fresh orange juice
Morning breakFizzy drink and a bar of chocolateBottle of unsweetened fruit smoothie and small box of raisins
LunchHot Dog with fried onions, ketchup and chips and a fizzy drinkJacket potato with cheese and salad, an apple and a bottle of water
After schoolLarge packet of crispsSmall packet of reduced-fat crisps and a glass of semi-skimmed milk
DinnerSpaghetti Bolognese with white pasta and a slice of apple pie with 2 scoops ice creamSpaghetti Bolognese (made without oil, less meat and more veg) with wholewheat pasta and salad. Plus canned fruit in juice with 1 scoop ice cream
EveningCheese and pickle sandwich made with 2 slices of white bread and butter1 slice wholemeal toast with peanut butter
Nutrition lowdown
3,420 calories
151g fat
9.1g salt
1 portion of fruit and veg
2,150 calories
73g fat
4.9g salt
7–8 portions of fruit and veg

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Parents can use the tools, diaries and databases in WLR to keep track of their diet and calorie intake. 

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